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Call for Nominations: ARLIS/NY Board

24 Oct 2024 11:55 AM | Anonymous

The ARLIS/NA New York Chapter Nominating Committee is seeking nominations for the following roles as part of the 2025 Executive Board:

  • Vice Chair/Chair-Elect (three-year term: Vice Chair > Chair > Past Chair)
  • Secretary (two-year term)
  • Student/Early Professional and Mentoring Liaison

What’s in it for me? 

So much! Serving on the Executive Board is a great opportunity to build skills you may not be utilizing in your current job. Board roles can give you experience with budgets, event planning, leadership, and more. You’ll expand your network and serve your colleagues by ensuring the chapter thrives and provides value to its members. 

Tell me more about these roles!


The Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect (VC/CE) has a one-year term with a three-year commitment: after one year, the VC/CE succeeds as Chairperson, and then Past Chairperson. The VC/CE assumes the Chair’s role in the event the Chair is unable to serve, assists the Chair in the preparation of meetings, assembles and serves as chair/liaison to the Board of the Nominating Committee for the following year’s Board, and the Celine Palatsky Travel Award committee. This role has voting privileges. For more on the Chair’s role & responsibilities, see the description in the Chapter’s Bylaws (Article IV, Section E, item 1).


The Secretary has a two-year term and is responsible for the scheduling and keeping of minutes of both Chapter and Board meetings and, after Board approval, submits them to the Web Editor for posting on the Chapter’s website. The Secretary is also responsible for balloting and counting votes cast and communicating the results to the Chapter. 

Student/Early Professional and Mentoring Liaison

The Student/Early Professional Mentoring Liaison is dedicated to providing support to students and emerging professionals in art librarianship. The Liaison helps to build networking and professional development opportunities, through tours, workshops, and happy hour events. The Student/Early Professional and Mentoring Liaison may serve a maximum of five consecutive years.

More details:

All terms begin January 1, 2025. Board meetings are held approximately once a month via Zoom.

Membership in both the New York Chapter and ARLIS/NA are required to serve on the Board. If you are not a member of ARLIS/NA or the New York Chapter, we still encourage you to apply! The Chapter has allocated funds to cover dues for selected candidates who are not yet members, are currently students, or unemployed. If financial hardship is preventing you from applying for the Executive Board, apply and let us know!


Reach out to the member currently serving in the role (listed on the Chapter’s website), or the Vice Chair/Nominating Committee Chair, Jessica Cline (jessicacline@nypl.org).


Email your resume/CV and a short statement of interest (about 200 words) to jessicacline@nypl.org by Monday, November 4.

We hope to hear from you! 

2025 ARLIS/NA New York Nominating Committee

A.M. LaVey, New York Public Library & The Ukrainian Museum (NYC)

Dave Solo, Collector/Researcher

Jessica Cline, New York Public Library

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